Read the original news on Demo Finland’s website. Very rewarding and also an important reminder that independence, democracy and good relations between parties are worth cherishing.” This is how Annika...
Who is telling whose story matters enormously. Museums tell stories and throughout history they have played a major role in perpetuating stereotypes about minorities. In 2021, the National Museum of...
The IHMEMALLI project produced a current state description of the pre-trial investigation of human trafficking offenses in Finland and created a process description that supports nationwide consistency in handling such...
DEMOS addresses problems identified in all partner countries: the lack of dialogue, the crisis of democracy, growing social polarization, and difficulties in conflict resolution and communication among people with different...
“We see that global challenges need global discussions” Decisions made in Europe increasingly impact us all, but opportunities to discuss them with fellow Europeans are limited. The festival provided an...
The number of court cases related to climate change has rapidly increased all over the world, and has rapidly become a way to support climate action. Because of its novelty,...
“We see that global challenges need global discussions” The aim of the discussion festival is to hear experiences on shared concerns or current phenomena from people living in different countries...
According to a recent report by the Police University College, organized crime typically involves transnational, network-based activities facilitated by information technology and infiltrates the legitimate economy. Therefore, it is crucial...
The National Dialogues consist of a series of dialogues, inviting as many different types of organisations and individuals as possible to participate. The purpose of the National Dialogues is to...
To discuss the future of a resilient, more sustainable Faroese food system, a cross-sectoral dialogue was organized at Nordic House in Tórshavn on April 8th 2022. The dialogue gathered around...
Carbon Action carbon farmers have been active during the first three years of the project. A good moment for a Timeout was just before May Day that was cooler than...
Dialogical practices and knowledge about dialogue developed in Finland have been valued for a long time. In recent years, this interest has grown significantly. A general review of the current...